Tynwald resumes today and, while it is safe to say it is not business as usual, there will be plenty of the usual business to deal with.
It is widely expected that the day’s sitting will commence with emergency statements on the evolving Covid-19 situation.
With the situation changing on a more frequent than daily basis, we can expect information on some of the already-announced measures, along with perhaps some new moves.
But question time is scheduled to take place as usual, also. For once, the combination of the mundane and inane among the more pertinent questions may be welcome.
At times like these, it is quite nice, for instance, to see one of the questions is about fishing for litter initiatives; while there is something reassuring about seeing a plethora of questions tabled on very familiar subjects, including the viability of sub-post offices, disability access on buses, school meal costs and what the pay will be for the next Lieutenant Governor.
And the truth is, we cannot just let these things go unattended.
One of the questions does pertain to the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the TT. Obviously there is a strong possibility that the answer will have been pre-empted by any statements that are made at the start of the day.
As for the order paper itself, one month on from the Budget, there is a soothing absence of political drama for the most part.
There are no motions of policy for Tynwald to endorse or otherwise, rather a raft of social security and pensions orders, plus various other rules and regulations.
It will, of course, be time to say hello to a couple of new faces, as the Legislative Council election has now taken place.
Peter Greenhill and Robert Mercer are the new MLCs, replacing the now-retired David Cretney, as well as Tim Crookall, who is preparing to make an attempt to return to the House of Keys, which will come as a surprise to no one who has seen the look on his face whenever he has tabled a question for Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer - who just so happens to represent the constituency Mr Crookall left behind when he first joined the upper chamber.
Kerry Sharpe and Bill Henderson are the two returning MLCs who were also voted in by the House of Keys.
One of the more interesting items on the order paper - although not actually on the agenda to be discussed today - is the ’All Island Strategy for Affordable Housing Strategic Policy Principles’.
There are MHKs who have been waiting for this strategy for quite some time. Whether the report on offer will be enough for them, we shall see, albeit not today.
The report does tell us that its ’high level strategic policy principles are the basis from which to develop an action plan for affordable housing’.
So we can expect another report further down the line. Probably.
No doubt, though, a traffic light has changed colour in the Programme for Government.