Schoolchildren in Port St Mary recently took part in World Kindness Day by handing out delicious treats to local businesses.
World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13 each year, and looks to serve as a reminder for people to show compassion and goodwill towards others.
The day encourages kind people to create and partake in activities that promote kindness, and this was a challenge that was taken on by the youth of Port St Mary.
Year four and year five children at Scoill Phurt Le Moirrey went out to deliver treats to members of the community in the form of handmade chocolate brownies, packaged up with a personalised ‘Be Kind for World Kindness Day’ message.

The treats were delivered to residents, business owners and commissioners.
Sarah Brooks-Lund, a teacher at the school who supervised the children, said: ‘”Be Kind” is one of the school’s five core values, along with “Be Yourself”, “Show Respect”, “Be Positive” and “Love Learning”.

‘The children were a credit to the school and they made lots of people smile!’
The school is also set to celebrate its 30th anniversary next week.
Scoill Phurt Le Moirrey officially opened on November 18 1994, and the school is set to mark the significant milestone by hosting a ‘beetle drive’ event on Monday evening.