Rising costs are being blamed for a 15p increase in the price of primary school meals.

Parents were notified of the increase in an email sent out by schools today (Thursday).

It will take the price of a primary school meal from £2.40 to £2.55.

The increase will take effect from November 4.

It follows an annual review, the Department of Education, Sport and Culture said in its email.

The school meals service in the island serves up some 3,500 meals a day, or well over half a million a year, to primary school pupils.

Menus are on a three-week cycle and are completely changed twice a year, in the autumn and spring,

The email from the DESC reads: ‘This is to advise you of an increase to the price of school meals following an annual review.

‘From Monday November 4 a 15 pence increase will take effect. This means that the primary school meal price will increase from £2.40 to £2.55.

‘Following an annual review, it has been necessary to implement this increase as the costs of producing and serving each primary school meal have increased significantly.

‘The increase will be made on Parent Pay automatically. If you have any questions relating to this increase, please contact the Department via [email protected].’