A unique art exhibition remains on display in the south of the island.

A collection of 14 paintings, entitled ’Rolling Back the Years’, opened for viewing at the Engine House, in Castletown, last week.

The pictures have been painted onto scrap rollerblinds, and were created by inmates from Jurby prison for a project devised by Ramsey-based artist Michael Starkey and the prison art education officer Angela Patchett.

Working together, the inmates created a series of striking colourful and inventive images, depicting Manx landscapes, heritage landmarks, circus themes and abstracts.

Jane Hall, from the Engine House, said that the display is both uplifting and inspiring, and that the sales of the pieces will go to good causes.

’We had a fantastic turn out for the preview of this exhibition and it was a great honour to have His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor open the show,’ said Jane.

’It’s a fabulously colourful and uplifting show. The inmates were asked to paint scenes of life outside of the prison walls which inspired them. I think they are inspiring for anyone who sees them.

’The proceeds from the sale of these blinds will go towards more art materials for the prison and to support two of the charities, the Samaritans and David Gray House.’

The paintings can be viewed between Monday and Friday, from 11am to 2pm.

Contact the Engine House on 881188.