Over half a million pounds has been raised from parking fees at Ronaldsway Airport over the last year.

Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall confirmed that £599,430 has accumulated at the car park between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024.

Mr Crookall provided a monthly breakdown of the amounts raised during Tuesday’s Tynwald sitting, which confirmed that October 2023 was the most profitable month (£59,987) whereas January 2024 raised the least money (£41,466).

Talking about this amount, Mr Crookall said: ‘There’s never a projection figure or income aim put on the car park. We just hoped to have a continuous growth after the Covid-19 break and for those numbers to keep growing due to people coming and going. The number has in fact grown substantially since that period.

‘All the money raised goes back to the airport.’

Following a further question during Tynwald regarding disability parking at the airport, the Infrastructure Minister confirmed that there is currently 16 disabled parking spaces available at the airport, while the first hour of parking in the main car park is free for blue badge holders.

Mr Crookall added: ‘In the last two years, there hasn't been any direct complaints about the number of disabled car parking spaces, although reminders have been given that no one is allowed to leave a car unaccompanied outside the terminal for security reasons.

‘The airport has also recently set up an accessibility forum made up of members of the public. This forum discusses issues with accessibility at the airport and any potential mitigations.

‘The group contains several volunteers who help to champion the viewpoints of members of the public who need support. It is part of a wider DoI group looking at ways the department can improve accessibility in the island’s transport links in general.’