A public meeting is set to be held over the decision to strip back opening times at a tip on the Isle of Man.

Last month, the Northern Civic Amenity Site (NCAS) confirmed that it would be reducing its operational days from seven to five per week.

The site in Lezayre will now be closed on Sundays and Mondays, with 45-minute closures for lunch also in place between Tuesday and Friday.

From Tuesday to Thursday, the site will open at 8am and close for lunch at 11.45am, opening again at 12.30pm before closing for the day at 4.15pm.

The changes kicked-in from Monday (July 1) and came about as a result of Bride Commissioners’s decision to pull out of the NCAS.

Back in April, Bride Commissioners announced it was no longer ‘using, paying or working’ with the Northern Civic Amenity Site and left the committee that runs the facility.

The site is operated by Ramsey Commissioners and the cost of using the site for the local authorities is based on the rateable value of the area – which Bride were ‘unhappy’ with.

Andreas, Ballaugh, Garff, Jurby, Lezayre and Ramsey also have representatives in the group that runs the NCAS.

Bride’s withdrawal from the scheme led the remaining members of the NCAS joint committee to bring-in ID restrictions at the site.

In the wake of the announcement, the board that runs the Western Civic Amenity Site (WCAS) said that it would not be allowing people outside the western catchment area to use its facilities to ‘protect’ its residents.

A spokesperson for the NCAS joint committee said last month it had been forced to make ‘some very hard decisions on the level of service’ the facility was able to offer after Bride Commissioners’s withdrawal from the scheme.

According to organisers, next week’s meeting will be an opportunity for NCAS bosses to explain the recent changes.

It starts at 7pm on Thursday (11 July) at Ramsey Grammar School and representatives from the NCAS committee will be in attendance.