The pumping of millions of litres of untreated sewage into Peel bay could become a thing of the past if new plans are approved.

Proposals by Manx Utilities for a new sewage treatment works in Peel has been recommended for approval by planning officers and will go before the planning committee Monday (July 8) although the application was submitted in November last year.

Peel is the island’s third largest settlement but has no sewage treatment facility.

Despite being one of the most popular beaches on the island, Peel failed to achieve a ‘good’ rating for bathing water quality for all but one year between 2015 and 2020 and is not now even considered a bathing beach by the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture.

There were reports of sewage washing up on Peel beach in February this year and it prompted Glenfaba and Peel MHK Kate Lord-Brennan to brand it the ‘shame of the island’.

If approved, the new proposed facility will be created in fields close to the Heritage Trail and adjacent to Peel Power Station.

Manx Utilities previously said it hopes to have spades in the ground in 2024, with construction expected to take around 18 months to two years.

Raw sewage reported on Peel Beach this weekend
Raw sewage reported on Peel Beach in February 2024 (People of Peel Facebook Page )

In the planning statement, Manx Utilities says: ‘The development has been carefully designed to mitigate against any unacceptable impacts on the local environment, while the planning benefits are clear, and the overriding need for the proposals in this location established.

‘We would therefore request that this application be approved without delay.’

Manx Utilities also plans to build a similar facility in Garff but has previously expressed frustration over the progress of both schemes due to labour shortages and the ability to bring in off-island contractors. Both facilities are expected to be completed, subject to planning permission, by the end of 2026.

The new facility will provide modern waste water treatment facilities for Peel and discharge treated effluent via the existing sea outfall.

A spokesperson for Manx Utilities previously said: ‘We are committed to delivering the regional sewage treatment strategy for both Peel and Garff, the remaining areas of our island coastline requiring modern-day sewage treatment.

‘Manx Utilities continues to work extremely hard to de-risk the project and protect the public purse.

‘Subject to planning permission, Manx Utilities’ intention is to bring forward elements of the project to support delivery of clean bathing water prior to the summer 2026 season.’

Manx Utilities had originally planned to site the new treatment works at Glenfaba House but withdrew its application in 2020 after a planning inspector recommended its refusal.