Ramsey Youth Club in Waterloo Road is hoping to attract new members.
Organisers are aiming to reinvent the club with the new name ’the Waterloo Hub’ rather than Ramsey Youth Club.
Youth worker in charge Nigel Revill said: ’We are aiming to reinvent the club as it had died out a bit.
’We play five-a-side football, watch films, go online, do arts and crafts, play pool and play table tennis.
’People can also learn a new skill like cookery or mechanics for example. We just want to create a safe, warm and friendly environment.’
He said: ’The club has been going for a many years, I used to go when I was a youngster.
’It used to be the old grammar school but it’s been a youth club for a long time.
’We used to have a big five-a-side pitch but that was taken out.
’It has been revamped in the last couple of years though and we do have an area to get a bit of five-a-side and other ball games going now.’
Nigel said that the club are also trying to attract more members through liaising with the local schools who are putting information in their newsletter to try to gain more support.
’We’re just trying to refresh the whole thing. It got a bit of a bad reputation in the past,’ said Nigel.
’We’ve got a few new ideas and hope to get more people interested. It’s just a place to meet new friends, chill out and socialise. It could be a case of use it or lose it. Everyone is welcome, parents too if they want to come and have a look around.’
The club is open to youngsters in school year 8 and upward (ages 12 to 13) during school term time from 7pm until 9.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday.
Soundcheck is also held at the club on Monday, which allows young people to meet like-minded musicians, to join a band, learn an instrument, gig and record their music.
Ramsey Young People’s Project, also known as ’The Shed’ also hold events at the club on Wednesday and Saturday.
Anyone who would like to know more about the youth club can contact Nigel on 482310.