With this weekend marking both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday, a number of remembrance services are set to be held across the island.

The island will fall silent for two minutes at 11am on Saturday, November 11 (Armistice Day) and again on Sunday, November 12 (Remembrance Sunday).

The national service of remembrance will take place on Sunday at the Royal Chapel in St John’s, beginning at 3pm and being attended by the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer and his wife Lady Lorimer. At approximately 4pm, the congregation will make its way outside to the national war memorial where Sir John will lay the first wreath, followed by representatives from other organisations.

In Douglas, the city’s annual remembrance Sunday service will take place at St Thomas’ Church, starting at 10am before a two-minute silence at the war memorial again at 11am.

The Onchan school children’s remembrance ceremony will begin at 9.30am on Saturday, before a two-minute silence at the Onchan war memorial at 11am. There will be another two-minute silence at the memorial at 11am on Sunday.

Marown Parish Church will also host a remembrance service, beginning at 10.45am on Sunday.

Castletown residents can pay tribute at the war memorial in Market Square at 11am on Saturday. Alternatively on Sunday, Arbory Street Methodist Church will host a service at 10am.

Port Erin Commissioners has requested for the suspension of all vehicular traffic between 11.00am and 11.02am on both Saturday and Sunday, with the turning off of vehicle engines in that time.

On Remembrance Sunday in Port Erin, a wreath laying ceremony at the Memorial Hall Garden of the British Legion Hall at 10am will be followed by a parade. The parade will depart at 10.15am to Rushen Parish Church for the act of remembrance at the war memorial, commencing at 10.45am.

Also in the south on Sunday, there is a service at Ballabeg church on Sunday which will start at 11am.

On Saturday, on lower Peel Hill overlooking the marina, there will be a two-minute silence observed at 11am. Peel Methodist Chapel will host a remembrance service at 3pm on Sunday.

In Ramsey, maroons will be fired to mark the beginning and end of the two-minute silence on Saturday at 11am, while the civic service of remembrance will take place on Sunday at the war memorial at 10.45am.