The Department of Infrastructure are set to resurface a stretch of New Castletown Road which will see part of the road closed for four to five weeks.

The Department’s paver team is to resurface a 900 metre long section of the A5 road at Newtown, Santon, between a point just to the north of the junction with the Ballacutchell Road (Mount Murray back road) to a point 400 metres north of the Oatlands Road junction (to the south of Ballavartyn Cottage).

It is planned for work to start on the week commencing Monday February 10, with resurfacing anticipated to take four to five weeks to complete.

This means that the road could be closed up until as late as the week commencing Monday, March 17.

A spokesperson from Highway Services said: ‘Through traffic will be maintained throughout using temporary traffic lights, which will be in operation for 24 hours a day.

‘At times of peak weekday traffic flow, the lights will be operated manually in order to reduce the impact on commuter traffic.

‘Resurfacing will be undertaken one lane at a time, incrementally across the site. There will be an overall temporary 30 miles per hour speed limit in place with a peripatetic 20 miles per hour limit in the immediate vicinity of the area being worked on at any particular time.’

The DOI also recently announced that it would be closing a section of the A1 Peel to Douglas Road to facilitate the safe removal of ash trees affected by Ash Dieback disease.

The closures will affect the stretch of road between Ballacraine traffic lights and a point approximately 300 metres east of Ballacraine and will be in place from 9.30am to 3.30pm on Thursday January 23 and Friday January 24.