The Department of Infrastructure has posted online that the following road works are currently taking place:
Rushen - Cronk Y Watch Road (Chasms, near Cregneash)
The latest road to be resurfaced by Island Drainage & Groundwork Ltd as part of the 22/23 midi paver programme, the IDG team is still on site completing the last of the ancillary works connected with the scheme.
Upcoming works
The team from IDG will move to the B42 Ronague Road during next week and begin preparation work for resurfacing that road.
The department says the Ronague Road will be closed to through traffic from Thursday March 9 until no later than Friday April 7.
IDG are communicating directly with residents about arrangements for access to properties during resurfacing.

A1 St Johns to Peel Road - pavement refurbishment
Work continues on the section of footpath from Corlett’s Ballaharra pit, back towards Peel.
This is an extension of the work carried out from Ballaharra to St Johns last year.
The work is being done by one of the department's in-house teams, which is cutting back the hedge, scraping back the verge and resurfacing the footpath, to its full extent.
The team is also replacing broken kerbs where necessary and undertaking minor road surface repairs.
The department says the team is expected to be working in this vicinity for another couple of weeks.
There is a temporary speed limit of 40mph, dropping to 20mph through the active work site.
Temporary traffic lights are in situ. The department asks motorists to respect the speed limits which have been imposed to ensure the safety of both workers and the public at large.

Glen Maye - Shore Road
The road has recently been resurfaced by Island Drainage & Groundwork as part of the Department’s 22/23 midi paver programme.
The midi paver work by IDG Ltd is focussed on a number of smaller access roads around the Island.
The DoI says that this leaves the department’s two paver teams, which use equipment best suited to larger roads, free to focus on more heavily trafficked roads which are higher up the road hierarchy,.
The department’s paver teams are currently resurfacing parts of Victoria Road, Douglas and the Jurby Coast Road.

Bradda Glen Road, Port Erin
Bradda Glen Road has been fully resurfaced recently by Island Drainage & Groundworks Ltd on behalf of the department.
This work was done as part of the 22/23 midi paver programme.