Road works begin today (Monday) on a stretch of the New Castletown Road in Santon.
The works will require traffic lights and a temporary 30mph speed limit to be put in place for up to four days.
A spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure’s highway services team said: ‘Work will start today on the A5 New Castletown Road at Santon, reconstructing a 30 square metre section of the northbound lane parallel to the back of Mount Murray Estate.
‘This is to repair a failed service trench and collapsed gully which has compromised safety and ride quality. It is anticipated that this work will take up to four days to complete.
Urgent road repairs are also taking place in Ballasalla.
The spokesperson added: ‘We will have a team undertaking carriageway repairs all this week in Ballasalla from the roundabout near the village flower shop/Whitestone Pub towards the entrance to Clagh Vane.
‘The carriageway has deteriorated badly in several areas and it is considered that immediate works are required. Two-way traffic will be maintained using temporary traffic lights.’