Braddan Parish Commissioners have said a cost has been agreed for the sale of the access road to the Roundhouse.

In a Commissioners’ meeting this week the local authority were told a cost has been agreed for the sale by the Department of Infrastructure.

The road and access to the site has been an ongoing issue between the Department of Health and Social Care and the local authority since the leisure facility was opened in January.

Work to build the Roundhouse started in June 2021. Braddan Commissioners had planned to build a new access road leading to the facility but that scheme was eventually ditched. During the planning phase of the project, Braddan Commissioners submitted a copy of a letter to the planning committee from the then DHSC Minister Howard Quayle in August 2016 which apparently granted staff and customers access to the facility via the hospital grounds.

But on December 19 last year, Braddan Commissioners said it was informed of a ‘last-minute decision’ by the DHSC to refuse vehicle access to the facility.

A notice was issued in March asking the commissioners not to use hospital roads and the car parks, and a threat of a barriers being put up on the site was given.

It was agreed the land sale is a positive step and the board is now waiting on documents from government for it to be able to be signed over.

The rather bitter saga seems to be finally coming to the end and the new access road could be completed before the end of this year.

The issues with the Roundhouse access has resulted in Braddan Commissioners struggling to find tenants to fill spaces in the facility.

Now, the only outstanding tenant is the café in the main hall of the Roundhouse.

Currently, the café is run by an interim service while searching for a permanent tenant.

Cassi McAllister, centre manager at Braddan's Roundhouse
Cassi McAllister, centre manager at Braddan's Roundhouse (Media Isle of Man )

The Commissioners are also on the look out for a contractor to install a pedestrian crossing on Braddan Road, Strang.

A temporary crossing is currently in place.

Also on the meeting’s agenda was a recent spell of anti-social behaviour caused by a group of young people who broke a panel on a shed.

The board was told by the clerk it will cost £320 to replace the fixture and the police are dealing with the people involved.

A sign will go up warning people not to climb on it.

Another topic which sparked conversation is the potential introduction of 20mph zones around Strang Road.

The commissioners were told that where there are children’s play areas, schools and parks 20mph zones are required.

However currently there is a 30 and a 40mph which joins Strang Crossroads and believe these should be made lower.

The board agreed to contact the Department of Infrastructure to ask it to lower the speed limit.

Braddan Commissioners will next meet on August 1.

The Roundhouse, Braddan
The Roundhouse, Braddan (Media Isle of Man )