The Station Hotel in Port St Mary has a new owner and with the substantial financial commitment comes a huge resolve to keep this business thriving.

The threat of it being turned into yet another block of flats inspired Rowena Hamilton-Hunter to make the big investment.

’I’ve been working there for 14 months,’ she said.

’I was working behind the bar and helping out generally. It’s so welcoming and friendly. The place is wonderful I was told there was a possibility it could be turned into apartments and I cried.

’It’s quite frightening what’s happening, there are hardly any pubs left.’

The pub had already benefited from massive investment in 2013 when its bars, restaurant and guest rooms were refurbished by previous owner Julian Driver.

Rowena and her partner Joey, who is Julian’s brother, are redecorating the guest rooms, and Rowena thanked the brothers for all their hard work.

’Apart from that, it’s business as usual,’ she said.

Rowena, 47, is going to reopen the restaurant and is on the hunt for a chef and kitchen staff.

An application (18/01022/B by Olive Tree Limited) to create a parking area on agriculural land by the hotel is also being considered by government planners.

Planners expressed concern about using agricultural land for car parking but acknowledged ’that such use, if suitably justified, would provide support for the retention of the hotel as a commercial venture in the interests of the community.’

The commissioners said if the car park is permitted and cars still park on the highway there could be impaired visibility for cars leaving the car park, there is no objection provided parking restrictions are in place.

Further information supplied to address highways’ concerns is being considered by planners.

Rowena would welcome any initiatives to slow down traffic and improve parking, but the decision will not affect her vision for the business.

She said: ’After I bought it Joey bought me a card that said: "It’s written in the stars".

’That’s how I feel about it. It’s my baby.’