Ahead of the third set of teacher strike days next week, secondary schools have issued letters to parents detailing plans.
The strikes will take place Wednesday, February 15, and Thursday, February 16.
The strike action comes over an ongoing dispute between NASUWT, one of the teaching unions in the island, and the Department for Education, Sport and Culture, over pay, workload and working conditions.
Plans are as below:
Ballakermeen High School
Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 should remain at home on Wednesday, February 15, and Thursday 16.
Year 10 students that would normally attend lessons at UCM on a Wednesday morning should continue to do so. Those affected will be required to make their own way to and from the college. The school will not be providing any transport
Ballakermeen’s specialist provision centre will remain open on both days, and students that attend this facility should come into school as normal
The Sixth Form will remain open so Key Stage 5 students should come into school. In the situation where a teacher is not striking, lessons will go ahead. For the remainder of the time, students should complete independent study. A staff member will reside in that area of the school to provide supervision
Arrangements will be made for students eligible for Free School Meals to collect.
Headteacher Graeme Corrin said: ‘I continue to appreciate the impact that this action will have on our young people and families, and I am again sorry to have to contact you with such disappointing news.
‘I assure you that I would not be taking this difficult decision unless it was essential for the safety and wellbeing of our students.
Castle Rushen High School
Years 7, 8 & 9: Non-vulnerable students in Years 7, 8, and 9 should remain at home on the two strike days.
Year 10: Most Year 10 students should remain at home on both Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February, the exceptions being those who may be vulnerable without school support, and a few specifically invited to attend sessions in school. Parents of these students will be informed separately.
Year 11: on Wednesday, February 15, all Year 11 students will have school for periods one to six, starting at 9:25am. All year 11 students are expected to be in school for the full day on Thursday, February 16.
Sixth Form:Year 12 and Year 13 students should attend those subject lessons which are expected to go ahead. A list of classes will be published by the Sixth Form team. Year 12 and Year 13 students may attend school at other times, undertaking independent study.
The special provision centre will be open as usual with all students who attend coming in as normal.
Vulnerable students For those students offered a place in school during the previous strike days in December and January, the same arrangements will apply.
These students can attend school for the full two days.
Free school meals available to collect.
Headteacher Keith Winstanley said:‘I am aware of the impact these arrangements may have on our young people and their families, but I have been left with no other option given the potential number of teachers that will be on strike.
‘You have my continued thanks for your ongoing patience and support through these challenging times.’
Ramsey Grammar School
Special provision centres and Hive provision will be open as usual with all students who attend coming in as normal.
Sixth Form Students
All Year 12 and Year 13 students should go to school as normal on both days. For lessons where their teacher is present, they will have their normal lesson. For any lessons where they do not have a teacher present, students will carry out independent study.
Year 11 students will remain at home for the two days and have remote learning provided with the following exception; on Wednesday afternoon some Year 11 students have UCM lessons. These lessons will be going ahead as usual and therefore the students involved are asked to come to catch the UCM bus at the usual time outside the East building.
Students in Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 should remain at home on the two strike days and plan to access their learning remotely via the remote learning links provided.
Sixth form students on site will be able to access the school canteen at the normal break and lunch times to purchase food.
There will be cold packed lunches available for collection for families who are eligible for Free School Meals from the West reception from 1 pm.
Headteacher Sarah Findlater said: ‘I am fully aware of the impact these arrangements may have on our young people and their families, but I have been left with no other option given the potential number of teachers that will not be in work on the stated days.’
St Ninian’s High School
All Year 12 and Year 13 students should come to school as normal on both days. For lessons where their teacher is present, they will have their normal lesson, and for lessons where they do not have a teacher present, they will carry out independent study.
Year 11 Students should plan to remain at home on these days.
Any students due to sit external examinations or assessments during these two strike days should come into school as these WILL take place as scheduled. Both special provision centres on each site will be open as usual with all students who attend expected to attend as normal.
Students in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 should remain at home on the two strike days and plan to access their learning remotely via Google Classrooms.
Families of students considered vulnerable will be contacted and offered some on-site provision during the strike days.
Those eligible for free school meals will be contacted.
Headteacher Chris Coole, said: ‘As with the previous strike days, I am fully aware of the impact these arrangements may have on our young people and your families, but I have been left with no other option given the potential number of teachers that may not be in work on the stated days.
‘Can I thank you yet again for your ongoing patience and support through these difficult times.’
Queen Elizabeth II High School
The specialist provision centre will operate as normal.
Year 12 and 13 students will attend school for their lessons and have the option to study from home during their R&R sessions.
The Sixth Form collaboration lessons will continue as normal and if a teacher is absent in any of the collaboration schools, students will continue with independent study at the collaboration school, travel arrangements will not be affected;.
Year 11 students will attend school for both days and should ensure that they bring what they need, to take part in lessons and revision sessions on both days. They will attend an assembly on the morning of Wednesday February 15, where staff will clarify the arrangements for their lessons and revision sessions.
All other students will remain at home and will access learning via Google Classroom. The staff who are not striking will set work via Google Classroom for each day and be available on Google Meet or Google Mail during their timetabled lesson.
Students learning from home, who receive free school meals can collect a packed lunch from school at 11.00am on both strike days.
A small number of vulnerable students may be invited into school, in order to facilitate their online learning,
School buses are expected to run as normal.
Headteacher Charlotte Clarke said: ‘I am aware of the impact that this difficult decision may have on our families, however, the above arrangements are essential in order to keep our students safe, as we anticipate that a significant number of our staff will not be in school as a result of strike action.
‘I would like to thank you for your continued support and understanding through these challenging times.’