Police have appealed for information after graffiti was daubed on play equipment in an Anagh Coar park.

Posting on the Isle of Man Constabulary Eastern Neighbourhood Policing Team Facebook page, officers say the criminal damage took place between 5pm on Monday and 7am on Tuesday.

They posted pictures of smiley faces and lover hearts painted on the equipment and says the clean-up will have to come out of the public purse.

But some people responded on the post questioning whether it is really the ‘crime of the year’.

The post says: ‘Please help. Between 5pm on Monday, July 29 and 7am on Tuesday, July 30, items of the children's play equipment in Anagh Coar have been damaged by being painted on.

‘While the equipment can still be used there will be a cost to repair which will come from public funds.

‘If anyone has any information to assist us in this matter please make contact quoting 97/4975/24.’

But some people have posted to say it is not such a big deal and can be cleaned using a bit of WD40.

One said: ‘Kids being kids in a children's park... terrible... crime of the year!’

Another added: ‘Its smiley faces and love hearts.. does it really need to be “repaired”? Not offensive in any way.’

But others say there is a need to ensure children know right from wrong.

One post said: ‘Most children that have been raised correctly will understand that it is wrong to deface other people’s property or things that have been provided for their enjoyment.

‘Those children that do this kind of thing and get away with it, will no doubt carry on through life with the very same disregard and attitude towards others.’