Residents in Bride are set to have their household waste collected by a ‘man and van’ arrangement.

This arrangement will see the service provided in the ‘appropriate’ places, and will be paid for through the villages rates.

This is the latest development for residents in the parish, after the local authority recently pulled out of the Northern Civic Amenity Site agreement.

Bride Commissioners is no longer ‘using, paying or working’ with the site, and is leaving the committee that runs it.

The northern site is operated by Ramsey and the cost for the local authority is based on the rateable value of the area, which Bride were ‘unhappy’ with.

The Northern Civic Amenity Site gave notice to the Department of Infrastructure to ‘terminate’ its operation of the site because of Bride’s withdrawal.

Speaking in April when Bride stopped using the site, the chairman of the Northern Civic Amenity Site joint committee, Karl Brew, said: ‘The committee is made up of Ramsey, Ballaugh, Lezayre, Garff, Andreas, Jurby and Bride.

‘The site has been run successfully by the committee since the DoI requested the northern parishes to operate the site in 2017. 

‘As a committee we are aware of Bride’s frustration over their level of payment based on rateable contribution. 

‘Sadly, the process laid out in the 2017 agreement for the resolution of disputes has not resolved Bride’s view and they advised the Committee verbally they (Bride) were no longer using, paying, or working with the site.

‘With the withdrawal of Bride, the committee will be considering their options. Whilst we do, we would hope Bride will see the best outcome is to remain and contribute to site to allow their rate payers access.’

In addition to the beginning of the ‘man and van’ arrangement, recycling has been made available through ‘Recycle Collect’.

Bride Commissioners also confirmed that it will be using the money saved to go towards general maintenance, as well as new equipment for the sports field.