St John Ambulance Isle of Man has received the ‘Best Turned Out Unit Award’ and Isle of Man Sea Cadet Jesse Ringrose-Smith the ‘Best Turned Out Individual Award’ in recognition of their presentation while performing their duties at this year’s Tynwald Day ceremony.

Fourteen-year-old St Ninian’s High School student Jesse, who joined the Sea Cadets 18 months ago, said: ‘It’s a big honour to be part of Tynwald Day and to have won the Best Turned Out Individual award.

‘I chose to join the Sea Cadets because I like the sea and sailing. I really enjoy the twice-weekly sessions - they’re great fun - and I’m getting to learn not just about seamanship but also about things like polishing my kit and ironing.’

Sub-lieutenant Nathan Jones added: ‘We’re delighted Jesse has won this award and, as with all the cadets, Jesse is getting to learn all kinds of new skills and meeting people from all different walks of life.’

Jesse explained that he had met the Mayor of Douglas, Natalie Byron-Teare, and the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer and Lady Lorimer, and had achieved Level 2 Sailing certification, sailing with Ramsey Yacht Club.

Parade commander Stephen Webster said that Jesse was distinguished by his ‘smart general dress and bearing, remained attentive throughout the service and is a credit to his unit.’

Best Turned Out Unit St John Ambulance Isle of Man was represented by 13-year-old twins Shannon and Rebecca Kiely, who also represented the unit in 2022 when it was similarly recognised.

They had not only supported local events such as the Southern Agricultural Show and the Manx Grand Prix, but also attended the St John Ambulance National Camp in Oxford earlier this year.

Parade commander Stephen Webster said that the unit was ‘smartly turned out and showed interest in the proceedings, whilst also remaining as a unit throughout.’

He also singled out ‘the work completed by those who supported the ceremonial way with medical support and water.’

Presenting the awards, the President of Tynwald, Laurence Skelly MLC said: ‘For all of us who take part in this ancient ceremony that celebrates an unbroken parliament of more than 1000 years it is, indeed, a great honour.’

Turning to the award recipients he said: ‘The roles you play in our national day proceedings are very important and your respective teams are to be congratulated on their achievement and contribution to Tynwald Day at St John’s, when we celebrate our traditions and who we are as a nation.’