The Steam Packet Company have been forced to cancel tonight’s delayed sailing to the Isle of Man.

The Ben-my-Chree had been drafted in to ferry passengers from Heysham Port after the Manxman sustained damage in an incident overnight.

The sailing from Lancashire was due to depart at 2.15pm on Wednesday but was delayed.

The Steam Packet have now announced it has had to scrap that journey altogether due to a lack of berthing space at Heysham coupled with forecasted high winds.

The Ben-my-Chree is currently on its way back to the island but is not carrying passengers.

Tonight’s planned sailing from Douglas to Heysham - which was set to leave the island at 8.15pm - has also been cancelled.

The return journey - which was set to leave the UK at 2.15am on Thursday - has been scrapped as well.

A spokesperson for the Steam Packet said: ‘Due to lack of berth availability at Heysham Port, coupled with forecast strong weather conditions, the decision has had to be taken to cancel this afternoon’s delayed 14:15 departure from Heysham.

‘Ben-my-Chree is currently returning to Douglas, having discharged at Heysham.

‘Ben-my-Chree's delayed 20:15 sailing to Heysham and its delayed return from Heysham at 02:15 has also been cancelled as a result of the continuing adverse weather conditions in the Irish Sea.’

The news will come as a blow to some passengers who had planned to visit the island for the upcoming Manx Grand Prix.

Racing for the event is now due to get underway on Saturday in a change of schedule caused by severe weather conditions.