In the latest column from the Isle of Man Photographic Society, Antony Hamilton tells how the organisation embraced modern technology with a mobile phone contest that showcased the stunning potential of smartphone cameras.

Consistent with its desire to ‘move with the times and embrace emerging technology’, the second meeting of the Isle of Man Photographic Society in March, was devoted to a competition of images captured exclusively on mobile phones.

The growth in the use of phone cameras has been astronomic and the quality of the images produced by these so-called ‘simple’ devices has been amazing.

No fewer than 38 entries, probably more than had been anticipated by our conscientious Committee, were submitted, testament to the growing popularity of using these pocket machines for ease and simplicity. The clarity and standards now being achieved rival in many respects the quality of images produced using what can be, at times, quite expensive, heavy camera equipment. So much is this the case, that any failure by amateur photographers to make room for such emerging technologies would be tantamount to attempting the hold back the tide!

The Committee had opted not to invite a guest judge, but to allow the membership instead to mark the entries, though not their own submissions, of course! This proved to be a popular format and similar to that used in 2024. To this end, sheets had been distributed and the images displayed so that all members present could give a score for each entry.

The importance of selecting good and appropriate titles was much in evidence, yet again.

Over the usual refreshments break the totals were compiled to give an overall winner and to allocate placings.

Andrew Cairns, our President, announced the order of merit and, for a change this time, no-one present was able to criticise the judge.

Second Place 'Convergence' also by Martin Sanderson
Second Place 'Convergence' also by Martin Sanderson (-)

The top marks went to Martin Sanderson with his entry ‘Le Basilique Du Sacre Cour’ with 96 points, a beautiful monochrome image of a famous piece of Parisienne architecture and well-known landmark.

Second place went to ‘Convergence,’ with a score of 87, also by Martin Sanderson, a fascinating, yet simple, image taken along a railway platform.

It was most interestingly observed that the two entries preferred by the members had been in monochrome! The President expressed his thanks to the membership for entering such a wide variety of novel subjects.

To close what had been another entertaining evening, complete with a high degree of membership participation, the President gave details of the emerging plans for the Annual Competition in April, 2025, to be attended for the first time by the Society’s Patron, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Sir John Lorimer.

Andrew also touched upon the forthcoming AGM and indicated that there was anticipated to be two high profile retirements from the committee this time, including his own, which is purely for personal reasons. He urged members to consider offering themselves to support the Society in this way.