A Douglas confectioner has teamed up with Ballacottier Primary School for the ultimate Willy Wonka-esque competition.

Eight and nine year olds from the school’s Year 4 class were split up into groups and given the task of creating their own chocolate bar.

The Farmhill school got in touch with Castle Street-based Gourmet Shakes Lounge to see if they could help, as the class are currently completing a topic on chocolate.

A fun day of activities around the subject was planned. During the first half of the day the children had the opportunity to make chocolate bars, with the help of the team from Gourmet Shakes.

The competition began in the afternoon, with the class brainstorming different ideas and presenting them to the judges and peers.

Year four pupil Izzy said: 'It was a really fun and good day and the visitors were very kind.'

The chocolate bar making station
The chocolate bar making station (Timmy Brogan)

The judging was based on colour, how the different tastes would match each other and the marketing ideas the pupils came up with.

Alice Qualtrough, who teaches the class said: ‘It puts their learning in context and into real-life situations.

‘It gave the pupils a simple understanding of how businesses work even from a young age thinking about development costs and marketing.

‘Having the opportunity to work with a business in our community was exciting, fun and engaging. Gourmet shakes were so inclusive catering for allergies and dietary needs. It was a brilliant day.’

Winners of the competition, gave themselves the name of ‘Unreal Five’, with the slogan: ‘Have a bite of the unreal five - have the best time of your lives!’

The group had the idea to incorporate five different flavours into one bar. They wanted to combine each of their favourite flavours, so that they could all equally share the bar with each other.

Oreo, mint, popping candy, white chocolate drizzle and caramel - were the flavours they chose.

The winners chocolate bar design
The winners chocolate bar design (Timmy Brogan)

Owner of Gourmet Shakes Lounge, Timmy Brogan said: ‘It was very difficult to judge because there was five groups in total and they all did really well.’

Timmy has since ordered 240 packages for the ‘Unreal Five’ bar, which follow the design proposed by the students.

It will be sold in Gourmet Shake Lounge hopefully as soon as this week. Timmy has also reached out to various other businesses in the hope they will also sell it.

Timmy believes workshops such as this one help better the business itself and help them understand different trends from different demographics.

He also has plans for more community centred workshops in the future. He hopes to bring some more of the other children's ideas to life also.

They included a dairy free chocolate bar, as well as one with the name ‘Coco Star’ which he especially liked.

Member of the winning team Bryce said: 'I was excited when our bar got picked, we felt flabbergasted and can't believe the bar is going to be made for real.'