Many people will have noticed the Manx flag proudly on display at the England vs Switzerland game on Saturday evening,

But one Swiss politician has caused outrage after mistaking the flag for a far-right symbol and demanding it be removed immediately.

The three legs have been seen at many summer events already, such as Glastonbury and Tour de France, but the appearance of it at the Euros has sparked controversy.

Controversial tweet by Swiss politician about the Manx flag at the Euros 2024
Controversial tweet by Swiss politician about the Manx flag at the Euros 2024 (-)

Mr Meier-Moreno is a parliamentary councillor and a junior football coach in Switzerland.

During then match he tweeted a photo of the flag circled at the stadium saying: ‘Dear officials of Euro 2024 and UEFA, what is this flag with the symbol of right-wing views doing in the stadium? Have removed immediately.’

The post prompted a series of angry responses. One X user said: ‘You’re an idiot and should apologise to the Manx people.’

Another added: ‘Just when I thought I’d witnessed peak idiocy for the week, this pops up on my timeline.

‘Dear Mr Meier-Moreno, maybe lay off the internet for a few years.’

Mr Meier-Moreno has since taken down the post after no doubt being told of his error.