These stunning photographs were taken of Manx sporting tradition of cammag on Thursday.
On St Stephen's Day (December 26) communities come together from across the Isle of Man, to play the island’s traditional national sport, cammag.
A famously anarchic but good-natured game played between the North and the South each year at St John’s, there has been an unprecedented growth in popularity in recent years, with more people both playing and watching year on year.
And 2024 was no different, with crowds and players gathering to get stuck in.
Players were encouraged to bring a stick along, but those that didn’t were given one by local legend John Dog.
The traditional ball games has ‘no rules’ and an unlimited number of participants can get involved.
Related to the traditional Celtic sports of Irish hurling and shinty in Scotland, it was considered the dominant sport on the island until as recently as 100 years ago, when football was introduced.
Hunt the Wren, another Manx tradition involving dancing and singing, also takes place earlier on the same day.