What would you like to see in terms of nightlife, entertainment and things to do after work around the island?

We took to Strand Street, Douglas, to ask shoppers for their opinions on what exists in the island and what they think could be introduced.

’Saturday nights have died a death. It’s down to the price of drink,’ said Craig Duncan, 34, from Douglas.

’When I first started going out it was £2 a pint, now it’s more than doubled in price.’

He thinks having a big complex with activities such as bowling will help bring more people out into town, but added that ’location is key for a business to thrive’.

’You could go there with the family in the night or daytime,’ he said.

His friend Dan Oates, 34, from Colby, said: ’There’s not enough for kids anywhere in the Isle of Man. Especially when the weather’s poor.’

He added travel is a big factor that needs consideration.

Douglas resident Chiara Smith, 46, said: ’We need something for teenagers. There’s plenty for my age group and for the little ones, but nothing for teenagers. I remember I used to have discos during the daytime on a summer afternoon.

’At 5pm everything is shut down so there’s nowhere for them to go. They can work at 16 and they have their wages, but cannot spend it. It’s a big hole in the market.

’They stay in their room and go on chatrooms so there’s nothing face to face. It’s not good for socialising.’

When their family moved to the island from London her then-teenage daughter found it ’very difficult’ comparing her social life between the different places, she said.

Kevin Dixon, 28, from Douglas, believes nightlife has improved slightly from last year.

’Since a couple of bars have opened it’s not too bad. You make the most of it,’ he said.

He believes the island should get bigger clubs with a variety of music, instead of always playing what’s on the charts.

’Maybe introduce a games room, like a pool club or somewhere you can play beer pong. To get more people in, clubs could introduce deals like two-for-one shots,’ he said. ’It’s not really good out anywhere else, except the pubs down in Peel which are pretty good.’

Kirree Milne, 33, thinks more activities that don’t involve alcohol should be brought in.

’We need somewhere to go that’s not the pub. It’s all about the drinking here,’ the Laxey resident said.

’I’ve got kids and find it quite hard to go out somewhere and have them along in the evening. We need something like Summerland with things like a rollerskating rink or bowling.’

She added that the clubs could be better here.

’I don’t go out in Douglas because it’s rubbish. We need somewhere where we can chat to people who are over 25.’

Lauren Wasley, 28, from Douglas, reflected the same thoughts.

’There needs to be more things that aren’t drink orientated,’ she said.

She described Douglas nightlife as ’tired and dated’. ’I’m a Douglas girl who hardly goes out to Douglas. That says it all!’ she said.

’We need something like a rollerdrome. There’s nothing better than being an adult and acting like a kid again.’