The new pedestrian crossing on Braddan Road will not be taken on by the Department of Infrastructure until a £2,750 report is completed.
The clerk told the board it was a ‘statutory’ obligation, and will have to be completed by someone from the UK.
The crossing was opened on December 13 after five weeks of work from building company JCK, on schedule and on budget.
It was one of the planning conditions attached to The Roundhouse development, and cost the local authority nearly £80,000.
It was also confirmed another report would have to be carried out in 12 months time.
During the latest Braddan Commissioner’s meeting, a request was put forward from the nursery at The Roundhouse to introduce traffic calming measures following the opening of the new access road.
The clerk said a small speed bump will be installed, which would stretch across both sides of the road to help protect children who may be being dropped off or picked up, while markings will also be painted on the road and in the car park.
When the crossing was opened, chairman of Braddan Commissioners Andrew Jessopp said: ‘The last few months have been quite stressful for us.
‘We always knew that a crossing was part of the planning conditions for our new community centre, but initially we were led to believe that a simple zebra crossing would be sufficient.
‘The Department of Infrastructure then instructed us that we required a more costly puffin crossing and it’s a shame that some politicians took it as an opportunity to take the edge off the Commissioners Roundhouse project, which really wasn’t helpful to the authority, our tenants, our parishioners and users of the facility.’