Three men have been bound over to keep the peace after an incident at the Palace Hotel.

James Eric Duncan, aged 20, of Cedar Walk, Douglas, and Evan Paul Gallagher, aged 20, and Connor Gallagher, aged 24, who both live at Ballacannell Estate in Laxey, were all charged with being found drunk in a public place.

However, the prosecution withdrew those charges after the trio agreed to accept a binding order.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that the incident occurred on July 15, when the three defendants had allegedly followed two other males to the Palace.

Police were called, and when they arrived, officers described Duncan and the Gallaghers as drunk and argumentative, which resulted in them being arrested.

Mr Kane said that the crown had considered the defendants’ ages, the circumstances, and the fact that they all had no previous convictions, and a binding order had been deemed appropriate.

The three men were all represented in court by duty advocate John Wright, who said that they would agree to the order.

Magistrates made the binding order with a recognisance of £200, to run for six months.