A ‘twisted’ pervert who began sexually abusing a younger boy when he was just ten years old has been jailed for 11 years.

William Duggan, 35, had denied five counts of gross indecency and nine of indecent assault against two boys - now adults – and put them through a gruelling trial.

Duggan began abusing one boy in the year 2000.

The victim was seven when it started and 13 when Duggan stopped.

Duggan himself was ten years old when it began and 16 when it ended.

But the sexual predator turned his attention to another boy when he was 15-years-old.

The abuse carried on until he was 23.

The second victim was eight-years-old when the abuse began and was 16 when it ended.

Following a trial, the jury found Duggan guilty on July 8.

During sentencing on Wednesday, victim impact statements from the two victims, who cannot be named, were read out by prosecutor Roger Kane.

The first victim said: ‘William took my childhood away and abused my trust.

‘I now worry what will happen to my own children all the time. What he did to me will impact me forever.

‘It is a life sentence and I will never forget what he had done. I have flashbacks nearly every day and I have nightmares reliving what he has done.

‘It took me years to get the courage to report him to the police. I felt ashamed and embarrassed but I should not have to feel that way, he should.’

The victim went on to recount the impact the abuse has had on his mental health.

The statement said: ‘It has affected my mental health and I have tried to take my own life a number of times over the years. I got addicted to drugs which I’m not proud of but I am getting help.

‘It has been a traumatic experience, not just for me, but for my family and friends as well.

‘Reliving it all (in court) is by far one of the worst things I have had to do. I was accused of being a liar and making it up for money.

‘I want a better life for myself and my children. I don’t want what he did to me to impact my life anymore. I deserve better.

In a statement read out in court the second victim also outlined a similarly devastating effect on his life.

He said: ‘William manipulated me for his own perverted sexual desires.

‘In looking back, I get upset and realised what was happening was wrong. My only regret is not reporting it to police sooner. But I feared no one would believe me.

‘I have had to live with this but I put it to the back of my mind. I am a proud person and was determined to make something of my life.

‘This has affected me severely and I have had suicidal thoughts. What happened to me was sexually depraved and twisted.’

He also described how difficult it was to go through the trial.

He said: ‘I found the inner strength to go to the police as I knew people had to be protected from William.

‘But I found the flashbacks became more common and I struggled to sleep at night.

‘When I found he was not pleading guilty I was devastated at the thought of having to stand up in front of strangers and relive everything.

‘William never gave an account of what happened and what he had done to us. He told lies, hurtful lies.

‘When the verdict came back I broke down and a massive weight was lifted from my shoulders.

‘The sentence he receives will never be enough in terms of what he did to me. He is nothing but a sexual predator.

In mitigation, defence advocate told the court his client’s extremely young age when he began offending should be taken into account which became normalised over the years.

He also said that since Duggan was 23 years old no further such behaviour has occurred and he has no previous convictions. He also said the prison sentence will have a big impact on his children and described Duggan as a ‘good father’.

Deemster Graeme Cook jailed Duggan for four years and six months in total for the offences relating to the first victim and six years six months for the offences relating to the second victim which will run consecutively to each other. He was also given a sexual harm prevention order which will run indefinitely.