The UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man (UBIOM) board is on the hunt for individuals to contribute to the Isle of Man's journey towards a more sustainable future.

The Isle of Man, the world's only whole-nation UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, was designated in 2016 due to its commitment to balancing the needs of people, nature, and the economy.

This status is reviewed every 10 years and the board will play a pivotal role in guiding progress and shaping the reserve’s long-term vision ahead of next year’s periodic review.

Jason Bissell, Chair of the UBIOM Board, said: ‘This is an exciting opportunity for dynamic, and forward-thinking individuals, who are passionate about sustainability and community development. We are looking for people who can help guide our important work and ensure it continues to benefit the Isle of Man’s community, environment and economy.

‘Those appointed will be instrumental in developing and implementing a self-funding model to ensure the Biosphere's long-term viability and sustainability goals are achieved.’

The Board welcomes applications from people with expertise in the areas of environmental and cultural conservation, sustainable economic development, community and social development, education and research, and youth engagement.

Board members will help shape the Biosphere's priorities, which include protecting the Island’s unique natural environment and cultural heritage, supporting a thriving and sustainable economy and strengthening community bonds

It will also focus on establishing a 'Biosphere Economy' - a vehicle to promote sustainable businesses, creating innovative funding mechanisms, and developing a marketplace to showcase local products and services.

Applicants are invited to submit their CV, including their Isle of Man worker status, along with a cover letter outlining their vision for the Biosphere to [email protected] before midnight on Wednesday 2 April 2025.

Interviews will be held during the week beginning 14 April.