Despite initial concerns about the weather, the annual World Championship Viking Longboat Races proceeded as planned today in Peel, drawing hundreds of participants and large crowds who braved the torrential rain. More than 600 participants and 60 different teams took to the western waters in large Viking-style boats, competing throughout the day in the historic event, which has been a Manx staple since 1963.

Kicking off at 10am in Peel harbour, ten-person crews pulled 11-foot oars in a challenging 400-metre sprint. The decision to go ahead with the event was made early this morning, after organisers considered postponing due to concerns of high winds.

On Facebook, they humorously advised crowds to ‘bring an umbrella as the forecast is liquid sunshine!’

They weren’t wrong, and despite the poor weather the island has faced which hampered teams' practice sessions, the participants showed up in full force.

Now the races have concluded, drenched crowds head to the Peel pubs to enjoy a well-deserved drink and shelter from the relentless rain.

Some team pictures will be in the Isle of Man Examiner, in shops on Tuesday.

To find out about the results of the 2024 Viking Longboat Races, keep an eye on the Peel Viking Longboat Races Facebook Page.