This video clip appears to show part of a dramatic police chase through the streets of Pulrose in the Isle of Man.
The brief footage, which is believed to have been filmed at the beginning of the week, shows a silver Ford Focus darting along the road near Pulrose Bridge, with an Isle of Man Constabulary vehicle in hot pursuit.
A police officer can also be seen kneeling against the wall in the first part of the clip.
As the silver vehicle drives-by the camera, the officer appears to throw out a 'stinger' - a spiked tool often used by police and armed forces to deflate tires, intended to bring vehicles to a halt.
However, on closer inspection, it appears that the police officer deliberately does not throw the stinger into the car's path.

The clip is believed to have been filmed on a mobile phone by a passer-by and posted on social media site Snapchat.
Different versions of the footage have been shared heavily online and have led many to question the reason behind the 'police chase.'
The Isle of Man Constabulary has now issued a statement on the incident, explaining that the chase was in fact part of a training exercise conducted under controlled conditions.
The silver car was in fact a force vehicle, the force has confirmed.
A spokesman for the constabulary said the chase 'did not involve any members of the public'.