A woman from England has raised nearly £3,000 for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) by walking the coast of the Isle of Man - twice!

56-year-old Angela (Anjie) Rook, who is an associate director of the RNLI, set off on her 200-mile journey on Saturday, September 14.

Walking every day (except one rest day) along the Raaid ny Foillan coastal path, Anjie then completed the challenge on Thursday, September 26.

The 200-mile journey symbolises the 200th anniversary of the RNLI which is being celebrated in 2024, with Anjie initially setting her fundraising target at £2,024.

Talking about her motivation to do the walk, Anjie said: ‘I've worked for the RNLI for over three decades, and over the last five years I've been looking and thinking really hard about how we could mark the 200th anniversary.

‘We wanted to highlight the Isle of Man because Sir William Hillary was inspired to form this life saving charity by what he saw when he lived here.

‘I've had the honor of leading on the 200th anniversary for the whole of the charity this year, and I could see the importance of the Isle of Man and marking that moment here in this incredible island.’

Speaking an hour after she finished the walk at Douglas Lifeboat Station, Anjie said: ‘It's been quite exhilarating. I think the energy and adrenaline that you need to do this type of walk has really kept me going.

‘More importantly, I've been kept going by our communities, our volunteers and lifeboat stations, as I've met these people along the way and they've seen me through even the toughest bits of the walk.

‘It's been an amazing one crew effort all around, not just something I've done on my own.’

If you wish to donate to the RNLI through Anjie’s fundraiser, you can visit www.justgiving.com/page/anjie-rook-200milesfor200yrsandcounting