The Western Civic Amenity Site in St John’s has announced that it will not be able to accept any waste or recycling from outside the western area until further notice.

The decision comes as the site faces capacity issues, prompting a need to limit access to local residents only.

The site has also issued a strong message to visitors, criticising the behaviour pf some members of the public.

Staff have reported instances of rudeness, particularly when they had asked visitors to hurry up when using the re-use shed.

In a statement apologising for the inconvenience caused to residents, the site explained that its recycling capacity was nearly full as of Sunday.

‘We also do not appreciate negative comments when asked to be very quick in the reuse area’, the site said.

The statement emphasised that the situation is beyond the control of the staff, highlighting that the site has a limited number of parking spaces.

‘It is not the staff’s fault you do not have reuse shed at the northern or southern sites’, it added, appealing for understanding and patience from the public during this period.

The Western Civic Amenity Site in St Johns
The Western Civic Amenity Site in St John’s (Google Maps)