A Liverpool woman has admitted trying to smuggle cocaine onto the island hidden inside her.

Hannah Flinn, aged 38, was arrested at the Sea Terminal on March 3, and appeared before magistrates on Thursday, March 13.

She entered guilty pleas to importing cocaine to the island and possessing it with intent to supply.

Prosecuting advocate Kate Alexander told the court that Flinn arrived on the ferry in the Isle of Man, as a foot passenger from Heysham, at 6pm on March 3.

She was quizzed by customs officers and suspicions were raised about her explanation for visiting the island.

Flinn was taken to Noble’s Hospital and three thumb-sized packages of cocaine were found inside her.

Ms Alexander said that police had tested the first package and it was found to be 22.4 grams of cocaine.

The prosecutor said that the other two packages had not yet been tested, but it was estimated that the total amount of cocaine will be between 63 and 84 grams.

Ms Alexander submitted that the case was too serious for summary court and should be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery for sentencing.

It was said that the starting point for sentencing, based on the estimated weight, will be between eight and 11 years custody.

Flinn, who lives at Chelsea Road, was represented in court by advocate Peter Taylor, who agreed that the case should be committed to the higher court, saying that, even at lower estimated weight, the sentence starting point would be six years.

Magistrates declined summary court jurisdiction and the defendant will make her first appearance at the Court of General Gaol Delivery on March 21.

No bail application was made and Flinn is remanded at the Isle of Man Prison.