A 30-year-old woman who assaulted a police officer by pulling her hair has been put on probation for two years.

Kayleigh Hughes was also ordered to pay the officer £250 compensation.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that Hughes was at police headquarters on May 6.

She was being taken to a cell but then tried to prevent officers putting her in there, by putting her leg against the door.

A female officer bent down to remove her leg from the doorway, but Hughes then grabbed her hair and wouldn’t let go.

She was told to release her grip but didn’t.

She was then pulled to the floor but still held onto the officer’s hair, until another officer forcibly removed her grip.

The officer said that the area on her head was tender afterwards and she suffered a migraine.

During an interview, Hughes, said she recalled being taken to the cell and that she had asked officers to slow down, but after that she said things were hazy.

The court heard that she has no previous convictions.

Defence advocate Peter Taylor handed in a letter of reference and a letter from the drug and alcohol team.

Mr Taylor said that his client had mental health issues.

He asked for credit to be given for the guilty plea and said that Hughes was genuinely sorry for her actions.

The advocate referred to a probation report which suggested supervision as a suitable sentence and asked the court to follow the recommendation.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered the defendant to pay £125 prosecution costs, which she will pay, along with the compensation, at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits.