A 29-year-old woman had to be Pava sprayed as she tried to stop police arresting her boyfriend, a court has heard.

Shalane Mincher struggled with officers as she tried to stop the man being put in the back of a van.

She pleaded guilty to provoking behaviour and obstructing police, and will be sentenced on February 1.

Prosecuting advocate Hazel Carroon told the court that police were called by a member of the public on November 19, at 3.10am, after they saw a couple arguing at Senna Road near Quids Inn.

They reported the woman had been hitting the male in the face and he had been pushing her back.

Police arrived and as they were putting the male in the back of their van, Mincher pushed past officers to try to get to him.

They tried to move her away but she resisted, shouting: ‘F*** off, get the f*** off me.’

Mincher eventually had to be restrained on the ground, using Pava spray.

After being taken to police headquarters, she was later interviewed and said she had been ‘eight out of 10’ when asked how drunk she was.

She said that she had been out drinking with her boyfriend and had gotten upset after seeing messages on his phone.

Mincher admitted obstructing the police, saying she had been trying to break her boyfriend free, but that she could not remember most of the incident.

She told the police: ‘I’m very sorry.  I need to stop drinking. I should have stayed out of it and gone home.’

Defence advocate Paul Glover asked for a probation report to be prepared before sentencing, saying that his client was due to answer police bail in relation to another matter in January.

Magistrates adjourned the case to await the outcome of any further potential charges.

Bail was granted in the sum of £500 with conditions that Mincher live at her home address, at Sumark Avenue in Douglas, and contact probation and co-operate in the preparation of the report.