Planning approval for Manx Utilities proposed new wastewater treatment works for Peel (23/01407/B) has been upheld following appeal.
The plans were unanimously approved in July, but an appeal was made by the owners of an adjacent field who have permission to build 21 houses onsite.
The main reason for their appeal was that ‘incorrect planning procedure and information supplied to Planning Committee’.
The appellant also claims Manx Utilities withheld information relating to the planning status of an adjoining field and also on issues relating to noise and odour.
These concerns, however, have been rejected and the scheme rubberstamped.
A MU spokesperson said: ‘The project team will now review and commence the discharging of the conditions assigned to the approval, finalise the land purchase, and formally enter into a construction contract to allow works to start in the new year.
‘Subject to the completion of the above activities it is envisaged that work will start on site in late February/early March.
‘It is currently the aim to have preliminary treatment (screens) in place for summer 2026 and biological treatment in place for the summer of 2027 with all works complete by the end of that year.
‘Completion of each phase of work will bring about huge environmental benefit to both the environment and to Peel’s bathing water quality.’
Chair of Manx Utilities, John Wannenburgh MHK added: ‘This is good news, we are extremely pleased to finally be in a position where we can commence work on this nationally important project.
‘I look forward to construction works commencing in the New Year and seeing this project progress in earnest, to finally put an end to the continuous discharge of raw sewage into Peel Bay.
‘I would like to thank the local community and Peel Town Commissioners for their support throughout the process and congratulate the team on what is the culmination of over ten years hard work and planning.’