The following is a letter submitted for publication in Media Isle of Man’s newspapers. To submit your own, write to [email protected]

So, another TT has been and gone.  I have read a bumper year - and it shows plainly why the TT is so vital to our economy. 

But I am angry and embarrassed for our island and I know I am not alone in that. 

Even before the fortnight started it was chopped about, some races unnecessarily shortened, others scheduled for Sunday, which should never be allowed, causing disruption to those of us who go to church on the Sabbath. 

Did the Bishop speak against it? 

No room was left for catching up if the weather delayed the programme and far too many events were squeezed into what was left. 

Put all that together with hiked up prices, hours spent waiting on cold, damp hedgerows for races which didn't happen, and add the cost of getting here and accommodation, it is doubtful if all of our loyal fans will ever come again.   

I regretfully fear many of our long suffering supporters will vote with their feet next year.  

There's a well used saying - If it ain't broken, don't fix it. 

PLEASE get back to the time-tested programme, Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, before the TT is killed off entirely!! Rosie Scott
