The following is a letter submitted for publication in Media Isle of Man’s newspapers. To submit your own, write to [email protected]

Lee Mayers, the Kirk Michael butcher, courageously, with commendable civic spirit, exposed the utter shambles and business incompetence at our historically-entrenched-civil servant government (CSG) run slaughterhouse at Tromode.

An utter shambles that our island's farmers are all too aware of as well, having, for example, to ship livestock off island because of this utter shambolic incompetence.

No sooner had the brave and fearless Kirk Michael butcher Lee Mayer — whom all of we Island consumers should support and applaud — exposed this utter incompetence at CSG run slaughterhouse than Manx Radio, that CSG run propaganda mouthpiece, issued a (voluntary?) statement by a Ramsey butcher.

Again, we the gullible and deceived Manx electorate, are witnessing, at first hand, the utter undemocratic, unaccountable, authoritarian political power of our historical entrenched civil servant government

Name and address supplied