The following is a letter submitted for publication in one of Media Isle of Man’s newspapers. To submit your own, write to [email protected]

It appears that two highly thought-of UK national newspapers - the Telegraph and the Guardian - are singing the praises of our heritage rail and steam services.

I must say it is no thanks to our myopic government. 

The fact that we have any working vintage transport at all is often down to the hard work and dedication of volunteers who give their time and often monetary support to keeping these valuable assets going.  It was sadly too late to save two of our scenic Western and Northern services. 

When are they going to realise that not every unique asset of ours needs to make a profit to benefit the island.

Our vintage transport is vital to our economy and our tourism. 

People do come to the island to step back in time and enjoy an experience that is hard to find these days.

Our government needs to build on that, advertise in heritage magazines and do whatever it takes to preserve our heritage and bring more visitors to the island. 

There's a well-known saying - ‘If you build it, they will come.’

Rosie Scott
