This year’s Anna Maria Cutillo Foxdale Five-mile Road Race, organised by Manx Harriers and supported by JCK Ltd, takes place next Thursday, August 15 starting at 7pm at Foxdale School.  

There is both a run and a race walk, starting at the same time. Competitors must be aged 17 or over on the day. The race forms part of the No Rest for the Wicked series, but is open to all whether contesting the series or not.   

Registration will be from 5.30-6.30pm for those entering on the day. Costs are £10 unattached and £6 for attached athletes. 

Race HQ and registration is in the grounds of Foxdale School. Toilets will be available in this area and the car park will be open.  

After the event there will be a prize presentation in the Baltic Inn starting at approximately 8.30pm. 

If you cannot run or walk in the event, please offer to help as more marshals are required - contact Andy Fox on 495830.