A group of upcoming local basketballers recently participated in a week-long NBC Camp held in Malvern, Worcestershire. 

Organised by NBC Camps UK, the young athletes were sponsored by the Steam Packet as they travelled off-island to develop their skills and test their mettle against more than 130 players from across the UK and Europe, while picking up new tips from top-rate coaches including Team GB 3x3 star Evan Walshe. 

Founded in 1971 in Spokane, Washington, NBC Camps has grown into the world’s largest overnight basketball camp and has a number of historic links to the island.  

NBC tour teams regularly posed a tough challenge for the island sides, while King William’s College was the first venue outside of the US and Canada to host an NBC Camp.  

The camp’s founder, Fred Crowell, often referred to the island as one of his favourite places in the world and, despite the UK camp moving to Malvern, the current site director, Jeremy Mannino, has maintained close links – providing sponsorship to a number of local players. 

A highlight of this year’s trip saw rising stars Evan O'Dea and Dylan Evans earn a prestigious All Star spots, playing in a showcase game in front of the entire camp on the final evening.

There was also an opportunity for coaching development as chaperones Michael Pardoe and Gemma Kirkham spent the week coaching, networking and sharing tips and tricks with the other coaching staff. 

Support from the Steam Packet's Manx community assistance scheme - which helps local groups, individuals and events travelling to and from the island for sporting, educational, and cultural activities - was instrumental in making this trip a reality. 

This kept the cost affordable through a generous subsidy on the group's travel, while the group also received a discount rate from NBC UK, further lowering the cost for local players and aiding in funding transport from the ferry terminal to the camp venue in Malvern St James School.  

Without this essential backing, many of these young players may not have been able to develop their skills at this year’s camp. 

The success of this venture underscores the importance of community and corporate support in nurturing young athletes and promoting sports development in the island.  

The local basketball community looks forward to building on this experience and continuing to develop local talent, with appreciation for the ongoing support from partners like the Steam Packet Company.

- The 2024-25 basketball league season will get underway at the NSC this Thursday, October 3.