The Lilian Slinger Pairs Trophy competition took place at Mooragh Park on Sunday. 

An excellent entry of 31 pairs played some tremendous games in a very friendly atmosphere in an any combination doubles format. 

The games started at midday. The weather was overcast to start with but stayed dry until light rain started to fall before finally clearing up before the quarter-finals.  

These changing conditions challenged the players on length as the running pace of the green changed throughout the afternoon. 

Losing out in the quarter-finals were Kevin Quirk and Steve Parker (Onchan) 15-21 to Rob Monk (North Ramsey) and Matthew Quirk (Onchan), while home greeners Steve Waters and Paul Allison 20-21 lost to to clubmates Allan Callow and Ray Skelly.  

Patrick Grant and Maria Dinsdale (Ballaugh) 16-21 went down to Bryan Corner and Caroline Parker (North Ramsey/Mooragh Park), while Janet Monk and Madison McMullan (Mooragh Park) 13-21 lost to Paul Dunn and Neil Withers (Marown). 

In the semi-finals Dunn and Withers controlled their game from the start, displaying the high standard of bowls they had shown all afternoon to beat Callow and Skelly 21-8.  

In the other game, Monk and Quirk also played exceptionally well to beat Corner and Parker 21-6. 

And so, into the final and what a match it was. After eight ends they were 10-11 and end 16 saw them 16 across.  

Monk and Quirk picked up three points in the next two ends, but Dunn and Withers got the jack back, gaining two then three singles over the last three ends. The match finished 21-19 to Dunn and Withers. 

Paul Slinger presented the prizes following a lovely tribute to Lilian from Helen Martin. Withers said the green was in excellent condition and a pleasure to play on, before thanking everyone at North Ramsey for a well-organised competition. 

North Ramsey Bowling Club are most grateful to Lilian’s family for their sponsorship and to everyone who entered the competition.