The opening round of the cross-country season was originally scheduled for this coming Sunday, but has been put back to Sunday, November 3 because of a clash with a charity event.

Organiser Andy Fox explained: ‘We do not start the league now until November due to our first event being on the same day as the Tough Mucker charity race.

‘We have reached out to Isle Listen and will avoid their date in future, but it was too late to amend our October fixtures for this year.’

The first round of the Group Eleven-sponsored league, will take place at Port-e-Chee.

Further rounds will take place on December 1 (Horses Home), January 12 (Crossags Farm) and the Isle of Man Championships at QEII on February 9.

The latter is the first February round in a decade. Speaking about the latter, Fox added: ‘If this race proves popular this season we may expand the league to five rounds as in the past.

Full details about how to enter, closing dates and links to the entry system will be published later this week.