Isle of Man junior stockcar racer Dylan Westbrook recently travelled to the UK compete at the Tongham Motor Club track in Surrey. 

Racing his Nissan Micra in the novice juniors, this was the first time that the 10-year-old had driven at that track and also his maiden outing in the Micra which his dad Tom had built for him.  

Indeed, the car was only finished the night before the event, only hours before getting on the boat to travel to the event. 

The Isle of Man youngster races regular in the stockcar meetings at Onchan Raceway in his Ninja kart and is currently leading the way in the championship.  

Young drivers can only race Ninja karts up to their 11th birthday, therefore Dylan – who turned 10 in June - wanted to move up to the juniors.    

Having not driven at Tongham before, the experience was all completely new to him, plus it was on a rough surface which Dylan had also not raced on before. 

Nervous but excited, the youngster went out in the novice juniors class in which there was a field of 17 cars on track, a lot more than he is used to racing against in the Ninjas at the Nivison Stadium, but he took it all in his stride.    

Dylan managed to hold his own during the two-day meeting and even led for quite a few laps during each race, gaining a lot of great experience along the way. 

Dylan also managed to leave Tongham with a most improved driver award, an accolade which the club only gave out to three drivers across all of the classes in the event. 

In Dylan's words: 'That was great fun, Tongham is now my favourite race track!'    

Dylan would like to thank all of his sponsors, mechanics Jason Cornell and David Cluckie, friends and family for all of the support he has received. 

Isle of Man junior stockcar racer Dylan Westbrook
Isle of Man junior stockcar racer Dylan Westbrook (-)