Abaniko Tres Puntas (ATP) Isle of Man is running an adult beginners course on Wednesdays and Saturdays in Douglas, covering the foundations of Filipino Martial arts, including stick, blade and empty hand techniques.  

The club was founded by PJ Mallorca and Jay Suico in 2014, and has six black-belt instructors. The instructor team recently returned from training with ATP UK in Oxford studying under Guro Angelito Eligado, the UK chief instructor.  

Black-belt Ean Radcliffe competed earlier in the year at the 10th Filipino Martial Arts Festival at Batangas in the Philippines, travelling to Hinigaran to represent the Isle of Man and UK at the unveiling of a memorial statue to GM Remy Presas, the founder of Modern Arnis. 

Radcliffe also stayed on to complete the ATP advanced course taught by GM Rene Tongson, the grandmaster of the Abaniko Tres Puntas system.  

Details of the beginner course are available on the ‘Abaniko Tres Puntas - Isle of Man’ Facebook page, or by calling 492114.