A Get into Golf beginners programme will get underway with a taster day at Castletown Golf Club on Saturday, September 14.

The event will take place under the coaching leadership of advanced PGA professional Stephen Hamer. 

The taster day is open to anyone aged 18 years and above who wishes to try their hand at something new. 

A spokesperson for the programme said: ‘It is designed to be a winning combination of outdoor exercise and social interaction. Learn in a group environment in a relaxed atmosphere with a PGA professional golfer to give expert, personalised tuition from the start. 

‘Golf may seem a little daunting at first, but the programme allows the professional to provide all the necessary support, equipment and guidance to get started.  

‘There will be eight group lessons scheduled and this format promotes constant contact with the coach and fellow golfers. These lessons provide plenty of time for learning, conversation and fun.  

‘The unique handicap system means anyone and everyone can play together, socially or competitively.’ 

Hamer added: ‘In today’s busy world, keeping active and reducing stress is almost non-negotiable. Golfers can walk between two and five miles, burning up to 2,000 calories and achieving the 150 minutes of exercise a week recommended by the NHS.’  

‘Outdoor exercise in a green space can help reduce stress levels, enhance mood and even improve self-esteem.’ 

Castletown Golf Links general manager Andi Howland said: ‘With the island’s only full-length turf driving range, the programme offers a perfect platform from which to learn the game between lessons in your own time and prepare for playing the course in the future.  

‘Plus, both chipping and putting greens are located only yards from Bay Green Restaurant in the clubhouse where you can enjoy delicious coffee and freshly-prepared meals prior to or after practice sessions.’ 

Anyone interested in signing up should visit https://castletowngolflinks.com/coaching/ or call the Castletown Golf Links pro shop on 822211 for more information.  

Men and women-only groups are available for sign-up. No equipment is required as golf clubs will be provided, with a free 7-iron to keep once signed up and access to the range, all for only £260.  

Coffee and cake will be provided at the clubhouse.