The Omega Cup held at South Ramsey Bowling Club on Saturday, sponsored by Jill Quayle. 

The event attracted the minimum of 16 entries, which allowed the competition to go ahead on what turned out to be a lovely afternoon.  

The first part of the afternoon was played as a round robin where all women played in a group of four, each having a different coloured jack.  

Each game was played over eight ends with the eighth end being a power end - the winner of each group went into the semi-finals. 

The semis were played to 15 off scratch. The first semi-final was Bailey McMullan (Mooragh Park) taking on Kim Hargraves (South Ramsey) which was a close game but the latter just took the win by scoring the required 15 while McMullan scored 13. 

The second semi saw Caroline Whitehead (Port Erin) take on Fiona Kennish (South Ramsey). Unfortunately for Whitehead, Kennish seemed to thrive on the green and took the win 15-6. 

This led to a final between team-mates Kennish and Hargraves - after a battle on the green, Kennish took the win 15-11. 

Thanks were given to all players and supporters as well as sponsor Jill Quayle. Thanks were also given to everyone who stayed to the end and watched the finalists during their battle. 


Thrilling finish to Mixed Doubles Qualifier 

Castletown Bowling Club hosted the Mixed Doubles Qualifier on Sunday, with 23 pairs taking part to play in glorious sunshine throughout the day. 

Losing out in the quarter-finals were the Ballaugh pair of Julie Reilly and Mike Spooner 11-21 to South Ramsey’s Elaine Moore and Greg Barlow.  

The husband and wife pairing of Willie and Pauline Cowley (Douglas/Ballaugh) lost out 15-21 to home greeners Hannah Drewett and Nathan Hamilton.  

In the other half of the draw, South Ramsey’s Jenny Moore and James Teare won comfortably (21-12) against Lyn Bolton and Peter Jones (Marown), while another South Ramsey pairing Fiona Kennish and Alan Moore lost out 17-21 to Sue Gawne (Noble’s) and Andy Kennish (Peel). 

Both semi-finals were keenly contested, with Moore and Teare fighting back from a 10-18 deficit to Gawne and Kennish to level up at 18 across, only for the latter to score a two and a single to reach the final 21-18.  

In the other semi, Moore and Barlow were up against home greeners Drewett and Hamilton with the match going in scoring runs for both pairs. With the score level on the 17th end at 19-19, the South Ramsey pair got over the line with a two to win 21-19. 

The final saw both pairs draw level on five occasions in the first 13 ends, with Kennish and Gawne making a move to win four ends on the bounce to lead 19-14.  

Winning three of the next four ends, scoring six points in between conceding a single, saw Moore and Barlow draw level once more at 20-20.  

On the deciding end, Gawne and Kennish breathed a huge sigh of relief as they got the single needed to seal a 21-20 victory. 

It will be confirmed at a later date how many pairs have qualified to play in the BCGBA Mel Evans MBE Centenary Mixed Pairs at Owley Wood Recreation Club, Cheshire on Saturday, October 5.