Lawn Bowls Isle of Man held its rearranged men’s and women’s fours championships at Onchan Park last Saturday.  

Despite windy and cold conditions, the six men’s teams and three women’s teams each delivered some excellent bowls.  

Despite the rearranged date affecting the number of teams available, it was still a very good turnout as all rinks were called into play.  

The women’s fours, playing three games of seven ends each, provided victory in two games for the team of Libby Andrade, Barbara Reed, Joanne Kelly and Pam Makin who skipped her team to victory to claim the title.  

The men’s fours consisting of six teams, four of which featured a junior bowler, was a much closer outcome after three games of six ends. 

This resulted in a tie between the team of Philip Watterson, Andy Foster, Rab Prentice and David Slack who then faced the team of Dave Ball, Kevin Quirk, newly-crowned junior champion Tyler Eisinger and John Kewley in a nail-biting final.  

After four ends the result was still tied, resulting in a one-end tiebreak which skip Slack was able to narrowly avoid his bowl being displaced by his counterpart John Kewley and therefore Slack’s team were able to claim victory and title of men’s fours champions.   

The men's fours champions (left to right) David Slack, Andy Foster, Rab Prentice and Philip Watterson
The men's fours champions (left to right) David Slack, Andy Foster, Rab Prentice and Philip Watterson (-)

- This Saturday is the last round robin of the season before the lawn bowlers then move to indoor bowls at the NSC for the winter season.  

Those interested in indoor bowls can book a beginner session with Lawn Bowls Isle of Man either this Sunday or the following Sunday (September 29) from 2-4pm by contacting [email protected] or  [email protected]