A group of sportsmen teed off to raise some money for a worthy island cause during Media Isle of Man’s 2024 charity golf day.

The ninth annual event took place at Ramsey Golf Club in aid of the Craig Heartstrong foundation last week.

After a hearty breakfast, a total of 52 golfers took to the green to test their skills in a range of competitions including an individual, team and a ‘nearest to the PIN’ contest.

In the Individual event, Jim McDonough (22) got off to a storming start, scoring 20 points on the front nine.

He then matched this on the back nine with 40 points in total followed by an excellent par on the 15th hole which netted him four points.

In second place on count back was Tom Wilson (12) who carded 9 pars to score 38 points.

His score was matched by Ed Walker (17) who scored one less point on the back nine resulted in a third place finish.

In the team competition it was Octet - represented by Tony White, Nick White, Malcom Callow and Jim McDonough - who took the overall winner’s position with 117 points - a tally which equalled the best team score in the last nine years of the competition.

In second place was Team Anthurium on 113 points and third was Team Pezzer scoring 112 points.

During the day there was a ‘Challenge the Champ’ competition on the 17th hole thanks to the generosity of Rob Noon and the Yellowstone team.

That contest generated an additional £540 for the Craig Heartstrong foundation.

Following the event, Media Isle of Man’s Commercial Manager Dan Williams thanked all those attended for their generous support for the chosen charity.

He also acknowledged Investec and Evolve for sponsoring the nearest the PIN competition and thanked Ramsey Golf Club for their support for the event.

In total, more than £3,200 was raised in aid of the Craig Heartstrong foundation on the day.

Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Frankie Doherty won the nearest to the PIN contest sponsored by Investec
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Frankie Doherty won the nearest to the PIN contest sponsored by Investec (-)
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Team Pezzer came in third place
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Team Pezzer came in third place (-)
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Anthurium Ltd
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Anthurium Ltd came second place (-)
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: The winning team
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: The winning team Octet (-)
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Tom Wilson
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Tom Wilson won second place (-)
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Winner Jim
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Winner Jim McDonough (-)

Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Ed Walker
Media Isle of Man Golf Day 2024: Ed Walker came in third place (-)