Isle of Man ultra-runner Nikki Arthur completed the epic Montane Spine Race along the 268 miles of the Pennine Way on Thursday afternoon.

She arrived at the finish at Kirk Yetholm just over the Scottish border at just before 3.37pm, finishing in third place in the women’s race and approximately 15th place overall.

Her race time since starting from Edale in Derbyshire at 8am on Sunday was 103 hours 36 minutes 59 seconds, which incredibly is faster than her partner Orran Smith’s time on his first attempt in 2023. Orran finished at 4.27pm on the Thursday two years ago.

Nikki had the huge boost of an unexpected appearance by Orran as she reached the road through Bellingham on Wednesday evening and, after negotiating the 15 miles to Byrness, she then began the gruelling 30-mile traverse of the Cheviot Hills.

The final ascent was to the summit of the Schill before the long descent into Kirk Yetholm which she completed just ahead of fellow competitor Tim Broadhurst.

Juha Lehtonen has also been in close company over the past day or two but he just got away to finish a short distance ahead of Arthur.

It's been an extraordinary achievement by a remarkable competitor who has no doubt been through endless physical and mental challenges over the past five days, and has done the Isle of Man proud once again.

Congratulations Nikki and also to Graeme Hatcher who finished in an excellent sixth place in the men's/open Spine Challenger North race and to Shaun Hubbard who is still going in that race.